Airsoft basics for recruits

Advice for new airsoft players

– Don’t act like your the supreme allied commander of the airsoft field. No one cares. People are just there to have a good time and have some fun. They don’t want to hear you barking out orders

-Don’t get excited on the proper name of a rifle. Rifles have different names based on the manufacturer and variant. Added to that a country designation and or a airsoft manufacturer variant and the actual name can get complicated quick.

-Play a scenario game, they are a different type of game play all together.  There are two main types. Field run, which is designed for fun and reenactment games. Reenactment games are more designed to mimic the military experience in both proper equipment and organization.

– Join a team. You will learn much and improve your game.


A complete week of basic info. Airsoft Noobs , Is that a C7? , Airsoft scenario games . Join a teamSo you are now a seasoned airsoft player



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