So now you are a seasoned Airsoft player

So now you are a seasoned Airsoft player and are not being called the Noob. Good for you, What now? Here are a few things you should try as a more experienced player.

Already covered, Scenario Games. Still highly recommended.

Try another field other than your regular. New fields are springing up all over the place, you may find your new favorite. If you find a field that is less than perfect wait a season and give it another try. Most fields that stay open over two years are in it for the long haul and will routinely improve the playing conditions.

Do a Airsoft vacation. Two years ago the boss owed me several days off and gave them to me at Christmas time. The big plan was to head down the east coast hitting every indoor field along the way, one a night, and of course annoying friends and family for a place to crash. The plan fell through for various reasons but the intent was there. If you do this let me know how it turned out.

For you more experienced players, if the rental crowd you are playing against is bad, i mean bad, make the game more interesting. Stop carrying around hi caps, carry 30 rounders if you got them or at least the standard 70 rounders. This is far more of a challenge. This really helps level the playing field, all pun intended. Rental players have hi caps with spray and prey capability, your restricted to what you have . If your  regular team is with you get them involved as a team training event. Outfit one or two of your teammates with hi caps and they can be the LMG’s (light machine guns) for the group. This style of game play is more fun for everyone and is great for skill building. You and your team are severely restricted and it forces you to play better. Further increase the difficulty by playing only with pistols.

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