Godzilla movie review

Tonight I went and seen the Godzilla movie. What does this have to do with airsoft? Nothing really. Unless you count the Softs used as Stand-ins for the real thing.  The movie was really enjoyable and I would recommend seeing the film, bring the kids its a good creature feature. Just remember its the type of movie that you set your brain to neutral and enjoy it for what it is

However even with the brain set to “0” there was one part of the film plot that was hard to believe and it was really distracting. No, it wasn’t a giant lizard creature running around. O wait, SPOILER ALERT. If you have no idea what Godzilla is about, even though its original movies and their bad dubbing has been made fun of over the last fifty years, its about a giant lizard creature that fights other giant creatures. Anyway back to the review. The largest hole in the plot that was difficult to believe wasn’t the giant creatures and their ability to run a-muck,  it was that FEMA was up, fully functional and useful.

See you tomorrow for more airsoft grenade launcher action

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