Big round balls that you play with

Types of balls Common airsoft balls are Plastic, Biodegradable, Tracer, Marking and Novelty or ones you should never use for game play. Novelty will be covered later in the week. … Continue Reading →

Balls Airsoft, now with balls and Airsoft

This week is the start of the Balls Airsoft Boot camp series. Each week will cover another topic related directly or indirectly to our favorite pastime.  Suggestions to future boot … Continue Reading →

No Post today

No post today, except for the one telling you that there is no post today. A quick twenty minute repair for a burst pipe has turned into two hours so … Continue Reading →

Balls Airsoft, sans balls and airsoft

Beginning Monday Balls Airsoft will be featuring posts about, strangely enough, Airsoft.  I know, it hasn’t happened yet what are the odds of that happening now? If you where hoping … Continue Reading →

America this is how you win the hearts and minds of an invaded country

 The invasion of the Ukraine by the Russians has got to be the “softest” invasion in history. Aside the fact the Russian military could have shown up wearing nothing more … Continue Reading →

St Patties day 2014

Today is the day everyone wears green, becomes Irish and gets themselves stinking drunk.  Whatever you do keep yourself safe. Your St. Patties day Joke Early one morning in Ireland … Continue Reading →

Balls Airsoft

Balls Airsoft features Airsoft, Boobs, Stuff and some Nudity. Your welcome.

Hello world!

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