This week Balls Airsoft boot camp will cover Airsoft magazines

This week Balls Airsoft bootcamp will feature airsoft magazines. Why you may ask? Too cover the many different styles of magazines both in design and function, but its not as … Continue Reading →

site broken

for some reason the site wont let me post a full article, let me work on this.

Recovery day

im still feeling crappy, see you monday.

Sick day 2

blah. Im sicker. I think this nurse would warm me up  

Sick day

Of course the one week I don’t have a weeks worth of articles to go and I get sick. Fantastic. Not in the mood for anything but sleep and plenty … Continue Reading →

Why you Canuck airsofters are screwed, and possibly California too..

First i’m not a lawyer or do I play on on TV. Just putting in my two cents in as I see it. Why you Canuck airsofters are screwed, and … Continue Reading →

The piss off weekend

This weekend was nothing but a piss off. What is wrong with people today, they want to do none of the work and want all of the pay. Now I’m … Continue Reading →

Airsoft Artillery, INCOMING !!!!!!!!

Airsoft Artillery, Artillery or Howitzers are used traditionally for indirect fire. For non line of site requiring a spotter with a radio to assist the gunners. Yet again the three … Continue Reading →

Airsoft Cannons

Airsoft Cannons. Cannons are traditionally big bore line of site guns. The gunners firing directly at a target. Three main types of airsoft cannons. Static, safe and dangerous. sound familiar? … Continue Reading →

Airsoft Mortars

Airsoft Mortars. drop them down. Three main types. Static, safe and dangerous. Fields will sometimes have deactivated or home built airsoft mortars. They don’t do much aside from being an … Continue Reading →