
Airsoft Leadership Day 1- Assert yourself as leader

Now that your head is filled with the fancy book learnin’ lets move on to some practical advice. When I would teach leadership the first thing new leaders would be … Continue Reading →


Airsoft squad organization

Airsoft squad organization. Organization of your Airsoft Club is important for command and control. The better organized the easier it is to command and less work for the leader. This is … Continue Reading →


Command words for airsoft leaders

Command Words. When a leader speaks they will use words and phrases that demand respect. The command words give a sense of urgency and are easy to understand. Use of … Continue Reading →


Crash course on leadership for airsoft team leaders

This boot camp is to help you lead and organize your Airsoft Club more effectively. First the textbook definition of leadership. “Leadership is the art of influencing human behavior so … Continue Reading →

Godzilla movie review

Tonight I went and seen the Godzilla movie. What does this have to do with airsoft? Nothing really. Unless you count the Softs used as Stand-ins for the real thing.  … Continue Reading →