Airsoft Magazine basics

Quick list,  Types of airsoft magazines basics. Low Capacity airsoft magazines carry 100 rounds  or less. Types of Low capacity airsoft magazines. – Real Capacity. Carry the same ammo as … Continue Reading →

Internal operation of Airsoft High capacity magazines

Airsoft high capacity magazines. internal operation. Today Balls airsoft boot camp will cover internal operation of hi-cap airsoft magazines. Don’t get confused with all the different styles and manufactures of … Continue Reading →

Low capacity Airsoft Mags part1

This is the Tuesday post. As already stated there are two styles of airsoft magazines low and high capacity. Within the Low capacity style are Real capacity and Standard magazines.  … Continue Reading →

This week Balls Airsoft boot camp will cover Airsoft magazines

This week Balls Airsoft bootcamp will feature airsoft magazines. Why you may ask? Too cover the many different styles of magazines both in design and function, but its not as … Continue Reading →