Scenario Game also see awesome

Balls Airsoft

Balls Airsoft

an outline of the plot of a dramatic work, giving particulars of the scenes, characters, etc.
An activity providing entertainment or amusement; a pastime:
Thanks to the free dictionary for the description.

Scenario Game, also see Awesome.

Field organized scenario games.
Most scenario games are designed for fun. Built with a creative back story, either the story is based on a overall situation i.e. The upcoming Zombpocalypse or a historic battle i.e. Battle of the Bulge. The games are designed with more detail than a traditional walk on game. Most are laid back when it comes to authenticity. AK47’s at the battle of the bulge game is acceptable at these events. The type of scenario games are as numerous as peoples imaginations.

Historical re-enactment games

The other type of scenario game is the serious one, check if organized by the field or by a historical re-enactment group. These games are more detailed and will normally last all weekend. Equipment that is considered acceptable at the event vary considerably so check ahead, Historical re-enactment games normally  will allow a little historical inaccuracy, like allowing any black rifle at an Vietnam re-enactment.
However some organizers are more die hard.
Games organized by a historical re-enactment group tend to strive for historical accuracy. If you are at a scenario event where your recreating the Vietnam battle of hamburger hill, you probably don’t want to show up with a G36 or L85 wearing Marpat. Also a M16A2 with a 30round magazine wouldn’t be acceptable either, these guys tend to strive for historical accuracy. So a M16A1 with 20rd mags will be the minimum standard acceptable, and your fatigues and gear better fit the time frame also.

Contact the organizer to find out the level of authenticity they require.
My advice is if you are into history attend a historical re-enactor game, especially an all weekend one. The game will be the most challenging game you will play. The players are encyclopedias on info from that era, in a good way. Most weekends offer a long patrol. During this “game” you will patrol the field not knowing when exactly “the game will begin”, ie ambushed, Planned raids are another good event which happen during these events. Be prepared to sleep in the mud as most will occupy the forward position with sentries, and yes you will be required to do a shift. Night time attacks will happen throughout the no light hours, not knowing when things will happen is completely different type of play.

If you choose to play these events make sure you plan ahead. Bring a sleeping bag, rucksack, food, something to heat food, water above and beyond your canteen, can opener and spoon. I’m laughing as this is being typed, you would be surprised as to how may times the last two items are forgotten, and how important they are. Most groups will have a list on their websites or at the least a member will help you out on what to bring. Be prepared and organize a ride home, some overnight games you wont get much sleep and having someone pick you up is good planing.

also lots of scenarios being played out on the …and porn page.

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