Balls Airsoft on YouTube, Tuesday, Forgotten weapons

Tuesday. As stated earlier in the week Balls Airsoft has a YouTube channel. This week the non airsoft playlist is going to be profiled. Forgotten weapons covers in detail the … Continue Reading →

Balls Airsoft on YouTube, Monday, Battlefield Friends

Balls Airsoft now has a YouTube channel that is being released early. This week all the videos that the channel has to offer will be profiled. None of them airsoft … Continue Reading →

So now you are a seasoned Airsoft player

So now you are a seasoned Airsoft player and are not being called the Noob. Good for you, What now? Here are a few things you should try as a … Continue Reading →

Another word all Airsoft Noobs should learn, Team

This isn’t a “there is no I in team” speech, or “win one for the gipper” if you want to go off on your own Rambo style, go ahead and … Continue Reading →

Scenario Game also see awesome

Scenario an outline of the plot of a dramatic work, giving particulars of the scenes, characters, etc. Game An activity providing entertainment or amusement; a pastime: Thanks to the free dictionary … Continue Reading →

Is that a C7?

If your answer to that question is no, it’s a M16 your both right and wrong at the same time. If your answer to the above question is, no it’s … Continue Reading →

Definitions for Airsoft Noobs

Here are some definitions for Airsoft Noobs, as in definitions for the Noobs, as in terms all Noobs can learn and use. This weeks Balls Airsoft Boot Camp will explain, … Continue Reading →

Balls manufacture

Today’s post was going to cover the various manufactures of airsoft balls. A subject I could care less about and you probably do too. Here is a video on how … Continue Reading →

Balls not for game play

Balls not for game play. Novelty Ammo First the novelty balls that are fun to shoot but useless on the game field. Already covered are the paint filled and marking … Continue Reading →

Ball weight, quality and performance.

My suggestion is buy one weight and stick with it.  For both target shooting and game play. Zero your sights and hop up to the ball weight you like best … Continue Reading →