Now that Easters behind us, back to our regularly scheduled blog

This week airsoft mortars, cannons and artillery will be covered. All types including the home built awesomeness that is out there. First when I was talking about chocolate on Friday, … Continue Reading →

Welcome Easter monday

Today I have the day off work, and this blog. See you tomorrow. Spending the day inside the crawl space, crawling around and possibly defending myself against mutant rats. I … Continue Reading →

Have a safe and Hoppy Easter weekend.

Yea I hate myself for that title, but its all I could come up with.  My two favorite types of Chocolate are White and Dark. Brown chocolate is a distant … Continue Reading →

Other airsoft grenades

Other grenades used on the fields. Most of the other grenades you will find are props used for scenario games. These include Molotov cocktails, satchel charges, C4 explosives. Molotov’s’ are … Continue Reading →

Airsoft flashbangs

Airsoft flashbangs, thunderflashes and distraction devices. These fun pyrotechnics are only available to areas with allow firecrackers. More of a gimmick than anything else, however they are fun as hell, … Continue Reading →

What are you smoking?

Smoke Grenades. First the history lesson on smoke grenades for airsoft. Originally the only smoke grenades available are designed not for creating cover but to confirm duct work was properly … Continue Reading →

Airsoft GRENADE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

This week everything you wanted to know about Airsoft grenades. Various types of grenades will be covered, “frag”, Smoke, flashbang, and home built. Today is Airsoft frag grenades, obviously the … Continue Reading →

Balls Airsoft on Youtube, Friday, Special mentions

First to answer your question, I did run out of pics of the girl that I have been profiling this week. The Balls Airsoft channel on YouTube will be filled … Continue Reading →

Balls Airsoft on YouTube, Thursday, Carnik Con

You are going to get CarniK Con or your not. If an explanation of its awesomeness is required you are not worthy of its brilliance and can never understand its … Continue Reading →

Balls Airsoft on YouTube, Wednesday, Counter strike animated series

Another great animated series on YouTube is Counter strike animated series by Flashdeckanimations. Similar to Battlefield friends it is based on a video game, this time Counterstrike. One of the … Continue Reading →