Other airsoft grenades

Balls Airsoft

Balls Airsoft

Other grenades used on the fields.

Most of the other grenades you will find are props used for scenario games. These include Molotov cocktails, satchel charges, C4 explosives.

Molotov’s’ are make of plastic bottles and a rag. Rules vary as to the use, however most agree a Molotov in game play will disable a tank, the team inside the vehicle can still shoot but not move. If you are wondering how this would work, the Molotov is thrown at the tank, if it hits the tankĀ  the ref informs of the operators the tank is now immobile. Thrown inside a bunker will tag out everyone inside and deny use of it to everyone.

Here is a bad example of an Molotov to use in and airsoft game

Satchel charges. Normally a prop bag with a pull ring. Usually the objective is to get them in bunkers, under vehicles or to knock out major objectives. Sometimes with a flashbang attached.

C4 is normally constructed with playdoh, some wires and a working timer. Set the timer and guard the objective at a distance or under cover. The other team must pull out the wires to stop the countdown.

Anything else the field operators can think up. Some field owners are quite inventive as to the game props they use.

And as usual here is a link to airsoft grenadier. A post this week just wouldn’t seem right without it,




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