Low capacity airsoft mags part2 or standard magazines, the magazines no one wants

Wednesday post.

Site is still broken, ignore my future edits. Also, as you can tell no more chick picks till next week.

Today I will cover the standard magazines. These days many of you are spoiled as hi-caps are the new standard. But come around the o’l fire place and let me tell you a story of the good old days of airsoft. “Back in the day” rifles came with a 68 round magazine as standard. Hence the term standard magazine. One airsoft dealer, Regiment Airsoft, (***note add link when site no longer broken) had a great deal that you could exchange your standard magazine for a hi-cap when you purchased a rifle, and would occasionally have a two for one change out, or a huge discount on a hi-caps if you turned in a standard. Everyone was happy to do this as the standard are not much use. Even reenactments hated them because they didn’t hold exactly 30 rounds, and game players hated the short capacity. Many players carried them as backups because they had them adn had no other use for them. The standard airsoft magazine is basically the red headed step child of the airsoft magazine world.

I did have a great addition to this article about how to improve the standard magazine, with pictures. Not going to happen this week, will post it within the next couple of days, weeks, whenever the site is fixed.

I will add some basic airsoft magazine maintenance this is for both the real cap and the standard magazines. First if your magazine isn’t feeding properly the easiest fix is to spray a little silicone down the feed tube, unless its really dusty then you want to do the opposite. If you are playing in a dusty environment you need to take the mag apart and get as much lubricant out of the magazine as possible. The reason is its the lesser of two evils. Oil will help your magazine feed properly but will pick up sand and dust like a magnet. The sand will cause your mag to jam.  Also use sparingly, a little goes a long way. if you use too much your balls will be coated in oil and not fly straight.

When you store you mags do so empty. If the springs stay compressed for too long the metal will gain a “memory” and stay in the compressed state and not want to expand back out. This will inhibit the balls being pushed out properly.

That’s it for today, more to follow tomorrow, sometime tomorrow. Hi-caps will be covered.

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