Internet randomness

If you are watching the world cup you will be the minority at the local watering hole in my area. Hall of Fame ceremonies and off season drafts get more TV exposure than what is going on in Brazil. If I wanted to see guys running around not scoring I would go to the college bar down the street. If you are the must watch sports with the biggest TV imaginable type you have some saving to do. At one million pounds (that’s 1.7 million ‘merican) the Zeus by Titan is 370 inches.
the Daily mail in the UK has the full story.

Next for you is important counter sniper training.
Many many years ago back in the day when I was still playing greaseball I went to a major paintball game. I’m not proud of this but airsoft was in its infancy back then and games where hard to come by. Similar to a heroin junkie taking crack to get them threw a dry spell. greaseball was my go too and used to help curb the cravings. At one major event someone had the bright idea to spray paint a garbage bag with greens and browns. Cut up the bag to break up the garbage bag outline and sell them as disposable ghillie suits.  And they sold a shit ton. Not joking. There must have been at least two hundred people with these things.

The big question did they work? Hell no, you could hear plastic rustling from far away. But the biggest giveaway was the sun reflecting off the plastic bags. The “snipers” where trying their best being all stealthy and ninja. All you could see was a shinny garbage bag crawling on the ground making that sound when you first take the garbage bag out of the box. My friends and I being the sick bastards we are would allow the “death technicians” to crawl yard upon yard across the ground. Just before we got in their range, we would rush them and tag them out. They where always impressed with our ability to find them. So the life lesson here, garbage bags make poor sniper suits.

Here is a test of your ability to find the sniper.



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