Have a safe and Hoppy Easter weekend.

Balls Airsoft

Balls Airsoft

Yea I hate myself for that title, but its all I could come up with.  My two favorite types of Chocolate are White and Dark. Brown chocolate is a distant second. Hope to have plenty this weekend.

Today will be about safety. I will reiterate some points from earlier in this week, and pass along a few more tricks.

Grenades. Check the safety guide that comes with the device and follow the minimum distance from the target, this goes for all the grenades, especially the pyrotechnic style ones.

Smoke.  Some smoke will have a large flame exit out the bottom of the grenade. Make sure the ground isn’t too dry,  a fire could result.

Flashbangs, Also folow the safest minimum distance the manufacturer suggests. Safety first. Dont throw at people.

A simple offensive trick is to throw smoke then a frag grenade. The idea is that the smoke will hide the gren.

Play along with the program

if you are in a room and a grenade goes off behind you, your out. don’t pull the “none of the balls hit me game”, a grenade went off just behind you, your tagged out.

This weekend Ill be working on my century old home with charm, money pit. The biggest problem with older homes. Information that isn’t in the brochure. Nothing is standard. Its whatever the builder thought was practical. Whenever you begin one repair, usually two or three more problems will show itself you cant ignore. Always quadruple your time estimate and double the cost. Also good contractors know this, and will always bid high costing you more, the bad ones have no idea and will quickly realize they messed up on the bidding and will “go for materials” and not return, my current problem.

Anyways, have a good weekend, see you Monday.

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