Have a safe and Hoppy Easter weekend.

Yea I hate myself for that title, but its all I could come up with.  My two favorite types of Chocolate are White and Dark. Brown chocolate is a distant … Continue Reading →

Balls Airsoft on Youtube, Friday, Special mentions

First to answer your question, I did run out of pics of the girl that I have been profiling this week. The Balls Airsoft channel on YouTube will be filled … Continue Reading →

Balls Airsoft on YouTube, Thursday, Carnik Con

You are going to get CarniK Con or your not. If an explanation of its awesomeness is required you are not worthy of its brilliance and can never understand its … Continue Reading →

Balls Airsoft on YouTube, Wednesday, Counter strike animated series

Another great animated series on YouTube is Counter strike animated series by Flashdeckanimations. Similar to Battlefield friends it is based on a video game, this time Counterstrike. One of the … Continue Reading →

Balls Airsoft on YouTube, Tuesday, Forgotten weapons

Tuesday. As stated earlier in the week Balls Airsoft has a YouTube channel. This week the non airsoft playlist is going to be profiled. Forgotten weapons covers in detail the … Continue Reading →

Balls Airsoft on YouTube, Monday, Battlefield Friends

Balls Airsoft now has a YouTube channel that is being released early. This week all the videos that the channel has to offer will be profiled. None of them airsoft … Continue Reading →

So now you are a seasoned Airsoft player

So now you are a seasoned Airsoft player and are not being called the Noob. Good for you, What now? Here are a few things you should try as a … Continue Reading →

Another word all Airsoft Noobs should learn, Team

This isn’t a “there is no I in team” speech, or “win one for the gipper” if you want to go off on your own Rambo style, go ahead and … Continue Reading →

No Post today

No post today, except for the one telling you that there is no post today. A quick twenty minute repair for a burst pipe has turned into two hours so … Continue Reading →

Balls Airsoft, sans balls and airsoft

Beginning Monday Balls Airsoft will be featuring posts about, strangely enough, Airsoft.  I know, it hasn’t happened yet what are the odds of that happening now? If you where hoping … Continue Reading →