Internet Randomness 27-June-2014

Another post of random internet stuff First is someone who didn’t get the joke. The video is of third world kids reading Tweets from #firstworldproblems. People tweet the little problems … Continue Reading →

Internet randomness

If you are watching the world cup you will be the minority at the local watering hole in my area. Hall of Fame ceremonies and off season drafts get more … Continue Reading →

Lame ass post 2

No post again today, Tuesday. I’m currently working on tomorrows and should be up early AM

Lame ass post

This is my lame ass post telling you there is no post today, Monday. See you tomorrow.

Edge of tomorrow movie review

Edge of Tomorrow with Tom Cruse is basically Groundhog day with power armor and lot of explosions. If your a fan of Si-fi, power armor or Tom Cruse I would … Continue Reading →


Airsoft Leadership Day 5 – A little respect goes a long way.

Respect your sub commanders Don’t ever correct or discipline your sub commanders or 2 I/C in front the lower ranks. If you have a problem with the people you directly … Continue Reading →


Airsoft Leadership Day 3 – Supervision

Don’t work, Supervise The biggest mistake new leaders make is they involve themselves in the work. The job of the leader is to supervise the people under them, higher up … Continue Reading →

Sunday Maintenance post

Sunday Maintenance post. You still have a chance to win a balls airsoft t-shirt. Balls airsoft T-shirt blog post The first submission for the logo contest has arrived. Wait for … Continue Reading →

Godzilla movie review

Tonight I went and seen the Godzilla movie. What does this have to do with airsoft? Nothing really. Unless you count the Softs used as Stand-ins for the real thing.  … Continue Reading →

Everything working except for the auto post

Site is working fully except for the auto post feature. Posts for today will be delayed (trying to trouble shoot by auto posting one minute ahead until works) and tomorrow … Continue Reading →