Balls Airsoft T shirts, FREE

Thanks to everyone who has said hello on the forums and twitter.

Its that time of year the fields start up again, get out there and have some fun. Say HI if you see me. I will be wearing a balls airsoft T SHIRT.

If you want a official balls airsoft T SHIRT for FREE email me with your size and what color you want. If you win, Size is guaranteed, color isn’t. Default color will be black if your request cant be granted.

For the creative types out there feel free to design a logo for the shirt and the website. Design must be your original work. If your design is picked you will receive a shirt. Send to contest(at) include shirt color and size with logo submission.

Any teams who would like a group of shirts to outfit your team include total shirts required,  shirt color and sizes, team name, team logo to contest(at)

Everyone else can get a chance to grab a shirt also. Remember to get your official t-shirt from a reliable source so you don’t run the risk of getting a cheap Chinese counterfeit. Send your size and color to contest(at)

Don’t worry I hate spam as much as you do. This contest is just to put the extra shirts i’m getting made to good use. Winners, if you want to call them that will be picked at random, whenever the shirts get printed, Over 18 years of age only.

I’m also not above bribes. Mention your favorite post you have liked so far on your facebook or twitter. Add twitter / facebook in the subject field of your email for another chance to win. You can grease my palm as much as you want. One additional chance per each facebook or twitter mention, Those who get a tattoo of the new logo include pic to receive an additional chance to win, “tramp stamps” count as double. As I’m expecting a high volume of Tattoo pics. Please put “balls tattoo” in the email subject field.

That’s it for today

If you need some more entertainment here is the “…andporn” page.


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