Balls Airsoft on YouTube, Tuesday, Forgotten weapons


As stated earlier in the week Balls Airsoft has a YouTube channel. This week the non airsoft playlist is going to be profiled.

Forgotten weapons covers in detail the evolution of firearms, as in real steel.  Most have never been profiled before. The interesting part of the videos is seeing the engineering dead end of some of these rifles or the evolution of various aspects of weapon design.

The machine gun that I would most like to see in airsoft would be the DShK

Slipped that in as this is an Airsoft blog believe it or not.

So I go into Best Buy to have my computer serviced. First piss off that I encounter is my computer is out of warranty, by a couple of days. That right not years or months but days.
Got to give the Tec guy credit as he pretended to look into the problem and tried fixing the out of warranty problem. However he said HP might not be so courteous and there could be a bill for service.  Second piss off is that the computer would be sent away for three to five weeks. Fucking fantastic. Third piss off, the good customer service guy passes me off to one of those guys who just doesn’t give a shit. He starts lecturing me on the fact that the computer is out of warranty and the repair will be billed. The computer should have been in earlier while still under warranty. That’s right, I planned for the computer to over heat, shit if I only had better time management skills all would be right with the world. A working computer is important if your blogging so I’m at the mercy of the company. So “don’t give a shit guy” is filling out the paperwork and I just happen to ask if there is any chance that I could loose the information on the computer. He doesn’t even look up from his screen  and says “data is the responsibility of the customer”. That answered nothing, I asked again if there is any chance of loosing information on the computer. He looks at me and said “oh, yea”. In that stuck up valley girl way. Why is that I asked? He began to tell me in as much techno-babble as he could muster as to what was wrong with my computer. If you are one of those guys learn to speak common English, most of us didn’t spend years in college learning about computers. If you really want to prove how smart you are break down what you are talking about to the crayon level, in terms the layman can understand. Anyone can regurgitate information from a book, So I look at this guy and say, my computer IS getting reformatted, and you didn’t think of telling me this? again he said “data is the responsibility of the customer”. My computer hard-drive is going to be reformatted and at no time did it cross your fucking mind to tell me so I could back up what is stored on it? again like a broken record he tells me “data is the responsibility of the customer” Granted everything is backed up just in case, but I can imagine some poor bastard dropping off their computer not knowing what is planned and blam….. lost everything.  So if your going to Best Buy just remember that “data is the customers responsibility” and its your responsibility to find out if  your hard-drive is going to be reformatted.

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