Another word all Airsoft Noobs should learn, Team

This isn’t a “there is no I in team” speech, or “win one for the gipper” if you want to go off on your own Rambo style, go ahead and have fun.  If you are going to get serious into Airsoft join a team.

Finding a team is the easy part. Aim for a team that suits your needs and interests. From serious teams that meet regularly for training, to a loose collection of regular players, and everything in between, many to choose from.

For those who have been playing awhile and hate the team they are with, find another one. The list is quite extensive of teams out there.

Before this starts to sound like a dating website you need to find a team that has your similar interests, either that be serious skills improvement or just going and having fun. Airsoft has become quite popular and its hard to find a town with only one team. If you still cant find a team you like talk to people at the local playing field, people will know one that might suit your needs and interests. Better yet they might be part of one. Don’t be afraid to change teams (no pun intended). Try out different teams and find a group that works for you.

The word for today is Team, join one.

Lots of team action on the …and porn page.





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