America this is how you win the hearts and minds of an invaded country


 The invasion of the Ukraine by the Russians has got to be the “softest” invasion in history. Aside the fact the Russian military could have shown up wearing nothing more than a smile and a AK47 , they have chosen to block ports by sinking old military ships. here is a video set to way too cheerful music. is a great resource for anything Russian. They have many interesting posts on the situation including this odd invasion of another type. From the site…

“A formation of Russian civil trucks representing different communal services have arrived to the Crimea today. It consisted of trucks and buses, such as: firefighter trucks, garbage collection trucks, street cleaning technics, city buses and ambulance – more than sixty units in total. All having Russian registration plates and moving towards Sevastopol, largest Crimean city. Those are actual photos and a video of those:

If anything the US should learn from the Russians, This is how you win the hearts and minds of an invaded country.

I was going to make a connection between the St Patrick day earthquake and party-goers collectively puking at once, but i just cant pull it  together, here is the video instead.

Anyone who lives in the northern part of the country is noticing the warmer weather. Which is good because your snow shoveling days are  behind you for the year. If you ever wondered why it takes so long to get anywhere in the snow, well here is why.   video

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