Airsoft Artillery, INCOMING !!!!!!!!

Balls Airsoft

Balls Airsoft

Airsoft Artillery, Artillery or Howitzers are used traditionally for indirect fire. For non line of site requiring a spotter with a radio to assist the gunners.

Yet again the three main types are. Static, safe and say it with me, dangerous.

Static Artillery. Fields will sometimes have deactivated or home built airsoft artillery. They don’t do much aside from being an objective to capture in the game and the only hazard is running into them.

Safe and dangerous. The difference is in the construction and projectile. Using PVC at high pressures is dangerous, Artillery constructed with this material should always operate much lower than the recommended PSI (pounds per square inch). The reason is due to safety. When PVC fails under high pressure the tube will explode, this is different than rupturing. Most plastic develops a crack and will split prior to complete failure, PVC wont. It will remain intact until the last second and explode, sending shards of plastic everywhere. Keep the velocity low and inspect your arty every day prior to using looking for chips and signs of damage from chemicals, which PVC is especially venerable to.

back to zeuki1 for more big bore airsoft artillery action.

That it for the big bore

battle action this week, see you Monday for more balls airsoft.

One note if you are looking for a new smart phone, I got myself a Samsung Galaxy. It does what a smart phone should but it has one major defect. The device has the most annoying defaults imaginable. Think of a default you wouldn’t set and that is the factory setting. Example, you have to set it to automatically change with daylight savings time, fckn give me a break, This is just one of many, many annoyances. Second piss off is the alarm. Don’t buy this phone expecting it to wake you up. Alarms have names like “walk in the Forrest”, “Sea breeze and spring time memories”, what summer meadow taken? The alarms are as wimpy as they sound. Samsung in the future make alarms titled “screaming banshie”.”chainsaw”. “ex mother in law”, then you will have something that will wake people up. end rant.

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