Do someting special all the time and it becomes the norm.

Balls Airsoft

Balls Airsoft

First the site is fixed and airsoft hi cap posts will start on Thursday, I swear im not lying to you this time.

Before we get back to airsoft let me get something off my chest that has been bothering me for quite some time. If your offended by this post you either have missed the point entirely or you fully understand the point i’m trying to make and don’t agree, but you will still be pissed. Most people that I run this buy get into a patriotic fuhrer and start arguing  with me why i’m wrong, usually missing the point entirely. Well here goes.

At work I was required to wear my best suit and tie for a special occasion. That occasion was a tribute to the veterans. What is the problem with that you may ask? nothing, I support our troops, they get paid crap, work hard for long hours and that is when they are in garrison, deployment is a whole other level of suck that no civi will ever be required to deal with no matter how horrible their job is.

My problem is that every time you turn around there is a “support our troops” function. To the point its almost an everyday occurrence. I wont rant on about businesses who place up flags and banners telling everyone to support our troops and even go as far as capitalizing on it with a special sale only to pocket the money themselves or give a very small amount to some questionable charity organization. Those people deserve a special kind of beating. This rant is about something else.  In my area anytime a soldier died overseas they would put the flag pole at half staff (or half mast depending on your schooling). At first people would check the paper to see if it was someone they knew and post their condolences online with a genuine level of concern and support. Fast forward to today and no one really cares. People at best will say “that’s unfortunate” and go back to their lives not giving it another thought.

The Special event has now become the norm. Its lost its meaning. Which brings me to the “special” day at work, There is a time to honor veterans, that’s veterans day / remembrance day, not on a random Friday afternoon. You know who was at this special event for people to honor our veterans? Nobody from the general public, and this was expected to be some major event. The audience mostly made up of soldiers who were ordered to go, politicians for the photo op and a few of us who had a boss nice enough to let people go.

This lack of attendance by the general public is a sign of many things. Mainly they are constantly asked to support the troops and there are so many “special” events honoring them that no one cares anymore, they have become common place.

If you truly want to honor the troops keep the days to a few and keep them a truly special event. Don’t set up these “dog and pony shows” on a routine basis, make it an special event, give it the honor it deserves and not just a chance for the bureaucrats to look remorseful and give speeches. rant end.

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