The piss off weekend

This weekend was nothing but a piss off. What is wrong with people today, they want to do none of the work and want all of the pay. Now I’m not saying people should be treated like a rented mule, I’m all for a fare days wage for a fair day of work. But this weekend it was full of people who didn’t work and wanted to get paid.

Balls Airsoft

Balls Airsoft

The first was a contractor who agreed on a price to frame in and install a closet. Simple enough. Not for this guy. The home is old and mostly lap and plaster. The contractor pulled down the wall, which was required, but didn’t clean up. He walked around on every nail, piece of plaster and lap he could find, grinding them into the floor, the new floor, and i don’t mean one year old, i mean days old, scratching the fucking shit out of it. While he was destroying the floor he unceremoniously installed the door, no framing mind you because that apparently wasn’t part of the “frame in and install a closet” deal. So imagine this, floor scratch to shit and covered in lap, plaster and nails. At the end of the hallway a sliding door screwed into the 2×4 that he attached across the hallway. Notice I didn’t say installed or nailed. That’s right, he just grabbed a scrap 2×4 of mine that was close enough and tacked it up, with glue. So the “professional contractor” came to me to get paid. I went to inspect his handy work and saw what I just described. After we got into an argument as to what was discussed he wanted to get paid. Fuck you i said, do the job you where hired to do and you will get paid. Now this isn’t the first brain child that has tried this shit on me. This house “with charm” needs many a repair and improvement beyond my skill level, which isn’t saying much. I make sure that what is needed is explained and understood. Before you tell me to get it in writing. That’s impossible. contractors don’t like to give firm estimates on old homes as there are too many surprises. Anyway he plans to serve me with papers by the end of the month. Should be fun.

Piss off two. The neighboring  house is a rental property and usually filled with some level of crack head. Seriously, an honest to goodness crackhouse. The rental is empty now, thank god. However all winter they have been throwing their garbage over the fence. Notice I didn’t say garbage bags. That’s right, now that the snow has melted there is garbage on my property. Notice I didn’t say a pile of garbage. That’s right, its blown all over the place, about five bags worth all scattered in the back yard. I began to clean it up and a kid walks buy and offered to do it. I know the kid and his mother a little and he has cut my grass before so it wasn’t going to be a problem. One side note. If you live in the ghetto / no daddy ally, don’t talk to peoples kids unless you know them because either. 1 Rumors will start or. 2 The mother will think you are interested in dating her. I’m not talking to your kid to learn what your favorite flowers are, Listen lady, their is a reason your single living in the ghetto, not interested. Rant continues. So I offer to pay the kid to fill five garbage bags. He does, about two small pieces of garbage each. Tell the kid “fill the bags and you get paid, that was the deal”. He doesn’t like the answer. Goes home tells mom. There is no woman scorn as one who has nothing to do all day and her damn offspring comes in interrupting her “stories” with some bullshit kid problem of theirs. So now this woman? starts banging on my door yelling at me telling me to pay her. Notice I said pay her, not her kid. Explain to her the deal, she isn’t hearing it. After an enlightening debate on the merits of both sides, She threatens to call the cops, They haven’t arrived yet. Guess I’m in the clear.

Third and final piss off. I have someone who offered to write a few articles for the blog. Fantastic, as i hate writing. Hate it, and that’s why I started a blog. So anyway, this guy is all set to do it and I even offered to pay him if he can meet a specific deadline.  He is even happier as he wasn’t expecting payment. He is in college and it is not being paid by his parents, tuition is out of his own pocket,  So i don’t mind helping out. Every update  is “its coming along” , “going good” etc. Well at 9pm Sunday he drops the bomb. Cant do it, haven’t even started it. …… well Fuck me.  Best part is he talked to someone and I should be paying him double. I am paying you, a million times more, you offered to do it for free. Best part is he wants half up front. What is half of nothing? nothing? and a offer to pay you.  …..well fuck me again. Does this blog give off the illusion that its making millions of dollars? Let me tell you the porn ads pay a whopping 1c if you click on them, a half million of those a month I can think of retiring. Now I don’t want to destroy the illusion of the internet, but i don’t normally write every day, Weekends I do a weeks worth of articles and set them to auto post. One reason for hiring people this week was I have a shit ton of other work to do and starting Monday at my real job things are getting busy for a long time. People sometimes really piss me off.

I was going to write a piss on joke, but here is the porn link instead

Check out airsoft arcade HQ  for a flashgame you might like



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