What are you smoking?

Balls Airsoft

Balls Airsoft

Smoke Grenades.

First the history lesson on smoke grenades for airsoft. Originally the only smoke grenades available are designed not for creating cover but to confirm duct work was properly put together. It did an excellent job finding holes and an OK job for covering movements. It created smoke over two to three minutes. They did the job.

Years ago I had an pyrotechnic display license and a very good understanding on how the smoke grenades operated. What I would do is cut them open and “rewire” them to produce the same amount of smoke but for a much shorter time, thirty seconds. It was great for getting out of a sticky situation and had a shock affect (for lack of a better term) as most people wouldn’t be expecting that much smoke. One word of caution. Don’t try this at home, literately, many smoke grens these days are pull pin. On the likely chance you make a mistake and set off the smoke grenade your house will be filled with smoke, resulting in the neighbors calling the fire department. Big hassle. I wouldn’t suggest doing this unless you have a very good understanding on how smoke grenades work, you are properly qualified and also have access to a “middle of nowhere” location to do the modification.

The biggest mistake people make using smoke is they throw them in random areas. Smoke is designed to cover your movements. A common misconception is that if you throw smoke the other team cant see you. Its not that simple.

Here are some tricks with smoke. throw it  in front of bunkers and/or guys with machine guns and/or large cluster of opposing team. Throw it up wind of your target, so the smoke drifts into their area. This is best used with smoke that burns for a long time. You will restrict their vision but not yours. Another trick is to throw it forward to the left and right just before entering a building or trench. To further explain. If there is a door you want to go into but the other team is covering it effectually from the side. throw your smoke a couple of feet to the right and another to the left. both sides will be smoked out and you will have a “alley” to move up. This last trick requires the wind to be cooperating and may require you to crawl up/into your desired location because…….

Defending against smoke. one simple way is spray and pray. If the other team is using smoke effectually they are trying to hid what they are doing. Spray into the thick smoke cloud and hope to hit something. Another more effective way is to throw a gren into a thick smoke cloud, if the other team is in the smoke they will get tagged out.

Smoke grenades available.

First is the dummy smoke grenaide. They look real, but thats all they do

Today’s smoke grenades are purpose built and come in different volumes. Some with fancy cammo packaging.

Once again airsoft grenadier has the best video.


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