Balls Airsoft on YouTube, Thursday, Carnik Con

You are going to get CarniK Con or your not. If an explanation of its awesomeness is required you are not worthy of its brilliance and can never understand its genius. Its that simple.

This channel has single handily put to rest the AK47 / M16 debate with their “scientific” look at both rifles. If anyone starts that never ending argument as to which rifle is better, point them in the direction of this video, your point is made, your work is done.

The through inspection of the sten mkIII views like a training manual from the factory. Including the most accurate and through diss-assembly that has ever been recorded. Who knew such a small SMG had so many parts.

You bullpup fans are not forgotten either. Carnik Con profiles many of your favorites and introduces you to aspects of the rifles you thought you knew. Ever wondered what the proper name and use of the bipod on a  FAMAS is? Watch the video to find out,

If you can survive the awesomeness of that which is Carnik Con consider yourself lucky. Some people cannot grasp the sheer brilliance of this channel and are left to live a life without a true understanding of firearms.


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