Balls Airsoft on YouTube, Wednesday, Counter strike animated series

Another great animated series on YouTube is Counter strike animated series by Flashdeckanimations. Similar to Battlefield friends it is based on a video game, this time Counterstrike.

One of the most popular maps in the game is dust, and its various knockoffs, dusty, dust2, dusty2 etc..

Years ago I played at an indoor airsoft field and one month their was something strangely familiar about the place . The setup would change around every month as it was sharing the space with a not for profit food bank.

The building was filled with banana boxes that where used to process care packages. The airsoft field would use what boxes were available to create obstacles and supplement them with barricades brought in. Usually the field went in after a large majority of the boxes had went out and before the new shipment of canned goods arrived for processing. The field was normally set up like a speed ball court, to use a greaseball term. One week however the poor and disenfranchised where less needy so the warehouse was filled with a lot more boxes than usual. The playing field was set up as a maze, so I thought.

During lunch I crawled up to the top of the boxes to get a good look at the field, then it hit me, its DUST!!!!!!!!!! with some changes due to size restraints. At the time Counter Strike was my favorite game to play online and this just made my day.

Computer update,A co worker suggested a cooling pad instead of a large repair bill. The computer works now for an extended period now but still a POS. In the market for a better one.







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