Balls Airsoft on YouTube, Monday, Battlefield Friends

Balls Airsoft now has a YouTube channel that is being released early. This week all the videos that the channel has to offer will be profiled. None of them airsoft related but still the best ones.

If your saying to yourself that is a poor excuse for a Airsoft blog post your right, the laptop has a new feature that inst in the brochure, overheating. Currently the computer is sitting on a running air conditioner while I mash the keys in the hopes it stays cool long enough to finish a week worth of posts. The posts will be short and to the point. Tomorrow this POS (piece of shit) goes in for servicing and or destruction.


Hank and Jed produce two of my favorite animated web series that are on YouTube, One is Doraleous and Associates which is more Dungeons and Dragons than any relation to airsoft. The other is Battlefield friends. Based on the video game Battlefield, it profiles a group of players in the game. Get your shit bucket ready and check them out, Colonel 100 is a must watch.

That’s  it for today, tune in tomorrow as I cover more vids you must watch, which have nothing to do with airsoft.


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